Financing Information


We are pleased to announce that Linwood Homes has been approved by Wells Fargo as a design and material package supplier.


This means that LIHBN and Linwood customers will be able to access extremely competitive financing from one of only two AAA-rated US banks.


The Wells Fargo program features low interest-only construction financing and an ability to roll the construction loan into permanent mortgage financing. Customers receive the lower of the mortgage interest rates at the time construction commences or is completed.


This protects them from any upward movement in mortgage interest rates while construction is under way. Mortgage terms can be fixed for as long as 30 years and high ratio mortgages are available for qualified buyers.


Linwood offers a complete design and material package at very competitive prices which are fixed for realistic delivery times. When used by qualified builders, this approach offers great value to customers and results in higher appraised values for Linwood homes.


The Wells Fargo lending process is entirely consistent with this building system. The bank and their customers want cost certainty in construction, and the finished result to appraise at cost or higher values.


The LIHBN and Linwood Homes system gives customers, builders and lenders the confidence to move forward in these challenging times. This is true of our US, Canadian and international customers.


This reality is that our system of better design, better materials, better building systems, better pricing, more cost certainty and the ability to finance adds up to better value for all customers.